The Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) awarded its annual safety awards during the AAC’s 53rd annual conference, held August 18-20, 2021, in Rogers/Benton County.

AAC Loss Control Consultant Matt Bradshaw, right, presents a 2021 Safety Award to Conway County Judge Jimmy Hart. Thirty-six Arkansas counties received the awards from the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) Worker’s Compensation program this year.
The Safety Award Program was established by the AAC to recognize those counties that have made outstanding efforts to provide a safe working environment for employees. Each county is evaluated annually based upon a 100-point grading system, with the possibility of 15 bonus points for qualifying counties. Those counties receiving a grade of 75 to 115 points are presented a safety award. Counties that are under the Worker’s Compensation Rule 32 Hazard Program do not qualify for a safety award, nor will they qualify if the Loss Ratio is 50 percent or above. The loss ratio calculation is based on 2020.
Counties receiving 2021 AAC safety awards were: Arkansas, Baxter, Benton, Boone, Bradley, Clay, Cleburne, Cleveland, Conway, Craighead, Drew, Faulkner, Greene, Hot Spring, Howard, Izard, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Lincoln, Little River, Marion, Mississippi, Monroe, Montgomery, Ouachita, Pike, Poinsett, Pulaski, Randolph, Sebastian, Sharp, St. Francis, Stone, Van Buren, and White counties.
In addition, three counties received a certificate for no reportable injuries in 2020. They were Bradley, Chicot, and Lee counties.
The AAC supports and promotes the idea that all elected officials must have the opportunity to act together in order to solve mutual problems as a unified group. To further this goal, the AAC is committed to providing a single source of cooperative support and information for all counties and county and district officials. The overall purpose of the association is to work for the improvement of county government in the state of Arkansas. The association accomplishes this purpose by providing legislative representation, on-site assistance, general research, training, various publications and conferences to assist county officials in carry-ing out the duties and responsibilities of their office.
The AAC Board of Directors is comprised of 18 members —two representatives elected by each of nine member associations.
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